Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A New Year...

Its been to long , so much has happened since the last time I blogged.
On August 31 a beautiful little boy came in to our lifes , Joshua Michael Johnson our first grandchild he is now almost 5 months old...time sure does fly.
He is already sitting up rolling over and trying very hard to be in on every conversation around him , if only we could understand what he is talking
This boy is Amazing , a little old man in a babies body, with a very old Soul , smart as a whip and ready to take on the world.
He loves books and sits quietly when being read to and this has been going on for months and I pray it will continue for many many moons to come.
My daughter AmyRose is doing a great job as a mom and I am very proud of her for wanting to be a stay at home mom , I feel it will make a big difference in Joshua's growth..I can see it already.
Meanwhile , winter has set in and I am home more than I care to be , feeding the wood stove and pellet stove as my hubby puts it , its my job to keep the home fire's burning.
So I do just that also been busy beading and learning Kumihimo which is braiding technique from Japan.
I finished my first peice this past week...Trying to learn this with smaller threads while adding seed beads is not an easy task for me with my right hand but I am dedermed to get the hang of it one way or another.
The Holidays have come and gone , Christmas was very different for us this mom was just to weak to bring her here 2 days in a row , so we just brought her here for Christmas Eve Day and had the kids open their gifts then so she could see them , after we all went to church as a family , something we've not done in years , it was the best gift we could have given my mom.
Christmas day was spent at the nursing home and visiting with our son Michael and his family which was a big change for Mike and I because we always hosted the holidays at our home.
So much to do before SPRING here in the house but can't seem to get Mike in the mood to do it , that could be due to the fact he is working 50 plus hours a week and getting old as he puts it.
We are talking about going away for my 50th birthday in May to Foxwoods someplace my Dad Loved gambling was Dads passion , not really mine but something I've always wanted to do , just hope I don't get the gambling bug because it does tend to run in the
I've circled all the seeds I want in the seed catalogs and pretty much mapped out what I'd like for a veggie garden this year , it will be a breeze to grow our own veggies this year , with the Greenhouse Mike got me last season , the plan is to buy a small gas heater before march , so I can grow everything out there instead of my
Its only January but I am already dying to feel the warm soil and sun , guess I better get back to beading/kumihimo to keep my mind and hands
Heres hoping we all have a Healthy ,Wealthy 2012 my out look for this up and coming year is to stay as Positive as possible and to get involved with Family Council up at the nursing home my mom is in as well as continue to work on keeping the Sanbornville United Methodist Church clean and in tip top shape.


  1. Trudy, I lost your email address. Would you contact me some time so I will have it again?

    Here is the link to the post that mentions the new zone map:

  2. Nice job on the kumihimo, by the way, and I love those little striped socks!
