Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday , Monday!

A very relaxing weekend , cleaned the church Saturday and spend the rest of the weekend hanging out with my Hubby and puppy.
I managed to get my moms filing done and everything ready for the nursing home to finish mothers medicaid application.
Any one who thinks it easy to care for a elderly parent is kidding themselves , I think I have aged 10 years just in the past year of getting mother settled at Mountain View.
Today I'll be a accompanying a friend in court while she tries to get an order to keep her ex. away from her.
This has been going on for months and we are hoping today it will be settled and she can get on with her life.
Snow in the forecast again but then again only 49 days till SPRING so bring it on it will be gone soon enough.
I started mapping out my Veggie Garden this weekend ordered all my seeds and will be growing everything myself again this year.
I have a few friends willing to buy plants from me as well so I will hopefully make back what I have spent already.
Mike bought me 2 small greenhouse and another grow light so things should go better this year but I must say my garden last year was amazing.
Shirley May has been a handful this past week , she took off running more than once and I found her up at the house around the corner waiting to see her boyfriend Venix , he is a red pitbull and he is not quite sure what to make of Shirley May because she is so hyper.
Hoping she calms down before spring , I still say the shelter was wrong they told me she was two years old back in May when I adopted her but she has grown so much and still is so puppy like.
Love her any ways she has come a long way these past months.
When she first came to us she would not leave the yard now she wants to be walked 24/7 at least she is keeping me moving so hopefully I won't get as we all call it winter weight , lord knows I have enough of that I have been trying to
I am feeling much better these days and learning to let go of alot but I still have my moments but don't we all?
Well its getting late off to walk the puppy and begin my Monday!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Letting Go.

Have you ever given your all and not left enough for yourself?
I recently found I had and now I am realizing I am at a point in my life where I need to walk away from a certain family member and so called friend.
My telling this member and friend I have given my all and don't feel I could help any more, ended up in my words being twisted by them like a mangled piece of scrap medal and left me feeling so drained of my spirit.
I turned to a friend who shared a book with me.
I have spent the last 3 days reading a book titled "The Language of Letting Go" by: Melody Beattie.
This book has helped me realize I can say no to family and friends with out feeling guilt!
I can walk away from those who manipulate even if they are in their eyes in need of my help.
In my eyes they are in need of learning to help themselves as I am in need of learning not to be their victim.
I've sat back and taken a good long look at my life and realized in reaching out to help certain people I have left no energy to help myself.
So today is a new day a new chapter in Sparrows life , today I have learned to let go and let the universe take the controls and hopefully steer me away from the negativity in my life and open me up to nothing but POSITIVE!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day!

Well here I sit watching the snow falling outside.
Question of the day on our local news was Heatwave or Snow Storm?
Sorry folks but I'll take the heatwave.
We are due for 12 inches of snow and I've already been cooped up since Sunday with one hell of a cold/flu.
My body feels like a train wreck but slowly starting to breathe through my nose again , Thank God.
Shirley May is not a happy camper because we've not gone for a long walk in days.
She goes out on her runner but sits at the door looking in as if to say , mom get you butt out here and walk me!
Guess sister Lisa is all settled in her new place but still managed to call me upset because of something that's gone wrong in her life , me I am just grateful to wake up each day but others seem to let every little thing get to them.
My modo , deep breath , hot bubble bath and or tension tamer tea.
Sister Diane's life partner Carly is having to start Chemo again next week , now there is one strong human being.
Carly amazes me with all she has been through these past years she is like the ever ready bunny.
Takes a Lickin' and keeps on Tickin'
I Love them both so much the strength both sister Diane and Carly have is a gift , I hope grows stronger in the months a head.
My thoughts and prayers are with them both.
Mother is doing well these days tho I must admit I've not seen her since Jan 2nd due to the fact I have been feeling so yucky and I don't want to bring it to her.
But we chat on the phone a few times a day and other than the usual complaints of her ever day life , she seems to be hanging in there.
Mike so far has not got my cold and I pray he does not , he has been working so hard as he always does but it seems lately every one is in need of his help and he can't say no.
So on top of his 40 plus hours a week,he has been working at the loggers as well, which paids for our fire wood to keep the house warm.
He looks so tired at night but still manages to take over feeding the wood stove so I can get dinner.
He is a good man and I thank God every day for him :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Feeling Good!

Well here we are 5 days in to a new year and things are going well.
Mike and I brought everything we gathered for sister Lisa to her new apartment last evening and also surprised her with a few bags of food to get her started.
I wish her the best in her new life as I said before this world is a rough place to be in and to start over is a big move for her and I pray she can keep her head above water like the rest of us try to do daily.
My mom has been feeling a bit lost these past few days after a sermon that was delivered in her church this past Sunday.
I only hope she can find comfort in knowing God is still there for her know matter what judgement was thrown her way at Sundays service.
People tend to be to judgemental these days and they don't realize words hurt!
I have found myself toying with the idea of going to a new place of worship.
I am not a loyal church goer and I find it hard to sit in a pew and listen to someone judge others as if that someone is GOD himself.
So a friend and neighbor has asked me to come with her to the church she attends and I just may take her up on that offer soon.
Today is a me day , selfish as that may sound I decided I need it to clear my head and just take care of me.
As i sit hear typing a CD tittled "Merlin's Magic the light touch" plays in the back ground and it takes me back to a time in my life when I was at a crossroads and in need of guidance.
I turned to a Life coach named Gary Whitewolf Woodings he taught me how to take care of me letting the past go and live for the day learning to love myself no matter what!
That was over 3 years ago and from time to time I step back and realize just how far I have come in life and it makes me smile because I realize that naive little girl has finally found her way out of that shell I put her in.
May goal this year and for many moons to come is to Live Life One Day at a Time because we never know what tomorrow will bring!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A new year just begun.

Its 1-1-11 a new year and new beginnings.
My daughter AmyRose surprised us 2 evenings ago with the news we were going to be grandparents.
Something I truly felt would never happen.
She is not due till August but I can't explain the excitement I have been feeling these past 2 days.
They are hoping for a boy I'll take a girl or boy who cares as I get to love and spoil it!
My new years promise to myself , live life one day at a time and try my best to win the war I have been having all my life with my weight.
Shirley May has me up and out the door more than ever walking now its just a matter of eating right or should I say eating less.
I am already mapping out my veggie garden and ordering seeds crazy but its a big part of my life , Gardening and it gets me through these long winter months just thinking about it.
I need to finish up the book I am reading and decide which book is next.
My house is back in order from the holidays and I'll be getting rid of more stuff in a few days by helping out my sister Lisa as she is about to relocate and start a new life.
I hope she can get by on her own and I hope she tries to find at least a part time job to make ends meet , its a tough world out there!
Mom is coming for the day tomorrow , church and lunch here then we will take her back to Mountain view , I am hoping my brother comes up to see her but only time will tell.
The weather has been warm these past few days almost SPRING like can't wait to play in the dirt again , I just love watching everything grow and now I can watch my grandchild grow as well.  I can just picture he or she barefoot in the garden with me it will be so awesome to feel that little hand in mine.
Still in awe thinking my baby girl is having a baby of her own.