Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday , Monday!

A very relaxing weekend , cleaned the church Saturday and spend the rest of the weekend hanging out with my Hubby and puppy.
I managed to get my moms filing done and everything ready for the nursing home to finish mothers medicaid application.
Any one who thinks it easy to care for a elderly parent is kidding themselves , I think I have aged 10 years just in the past year of getting mother settled at Mountain View.
Today I'll be a accompanying a friend in court while she tries to get an order to keep her ex. away from her.
This has been going on for months and we are hoping today it will be settled and she can get on with her life.
Snow in the forecast again but then again only 49 days till SPRING so bring it on it will be gone soon enough.
I started mapping out my Veggie Garden this weekend ordered all my seeds and will be growing everything myself again this year.
I have a few friends willing to buy plants from me as well so I will hopefully make back what I have spent already.
Mike bought me 2 small greenhouse and another grow light so things should go better this year but I must say my garden last year was amazing.
Shirley May has been a handful this past week , she took off running more than once and I found her up at the house around the corner waiting to see her boyfriend Venix , he is a red pitbull and he is not quite sure what to make of Shirley May because she is so hyper.
Hoping she calms down before spring , I still say the shelter was wrong they told me she was two years old back in May when I adopted her but she has grown so much and still is so puppy like.
Love her any ways she has come a long way these past months.
When she first came to us she would not leave the yard now she wants to be walked 24/7 at least she is keeping me moving so hopefully I won't get as we all call it winter weight , lord knows I have enough of that I have been trying to
I am feeling much better these days and learning to let go of alot but I still have my moments but don't we all?
Well its getting late off to walk the puppy and begin my Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you adding photos to your posts. Keep them coming!
